
Sep 2024
Kevin Fok becomes Head of Finance at Eclosia Group

A trained chartered accountant and freshly graduated with a Master’s in Finance, Kevin Fok, 38, has been promoted to Head of Finance at Eclosia. His rise to the top is the result of a rich career path marked by challenges and increasing responsibilities.


Kevin began his career at Rogers Hospitality, where he started as an intern and gradually climbed the ranks across various finance departments, including store management, procurement, control, and accounting. Over 15 years, he worked his way up to become Group Finance Manager, a position he held for six years. In this role, he oversaw the work of financial controllers and accountants across seven hotels, villas, and a golf club. He was also responsible for coordinating budgets, audits, and financial forecasts. This solid experience helped him master the intricacies of finance while honing his team management and performance optimization skills.


He then moved to C-Care, where he took on the role of Head of Finance. During his three years there, he implemented financial strategies to enhance company performance. He also played a key role in the transition of clinic management systems and oversaw the shift from the ‘Fortis’ and ‘Apollo’ brands to CIEL.


In 2021, Kevin joined Eclosia as a Business Partner, where he contributed to several stimulating projects. These included supporting SMEs through the group’s Angel Fund and participating in the acquisition of strategic investments such as Vatel, Reneworld, and WeCycle.

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Aug 2024
Indiren Ramasawmy, driver and karate master

Since his humble beginnings at Eclosia in 1999, perseverance, discipline, and a passion for sports have shaped the journey of Indiren Ramasawmy, a driver in the Chick Catching department at Avipro. At the age of 27, he started his career at Eclosia as a Farm worker in the three buildings of the Breeding department in Moka, which have since been transformed into offices.


An athlete from a young age, he regularly participated in cross-country races and marathons organized by the Arts, Culture, and Sports department (ACS). However, over time, with increased professional and family responsibilities, he preferred to dedicate himself to karate, a discipline he began in 2016 at the age of 45.


"I no longer had the time to train properly for marathons. Karate emerged as a sport more suited to my life," he explains. At 51, he now holds a black belt, 1st Dan in karate, proving that perseverance pays off. "I love karate for the values it instills. It is not just a combat sport; it is an art and a way of life. It promotes discipline and self-control."


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Jul 2024
Sasha Wanjiku and Christelle Mazimpaka: a refreshing duo at the heart of Eclosia

In the ever-evolving landscape, two young professionals stand out with their fresh perspectives: Sasha Wanjiku from Kenya and Christelle Mazimpaka from Rwanda. Though their paths are distinct, they converge at Eclosia, where they shape their careers and contribute to the company's future.


Sasha Wanjiku's journey to Eclosia began in 2016 when she left Kenya to pursue a degree at the French engineering school, École Centrale de Nantes, in Mauritius. "It was a four-year program—three years in Mauritius and one year in France. Graduating in 2020 during COVID-19 was challenging, but it led me to Eclosia," she recalls.


After reaching out to Human Resources, Sasha was introduced to Belinda Rault, the Group Talent Manager, who recognized her potential for the group. Despite the economic challenges at the time, Avipro welcomed Sasha, and she signed her contract in July 2022. Her role as Project Assistant in the Projects department, closely collaborating with the Project Manager, Sharone Ng, has been transformative. "I've honed my skills and learned to lead projects from conception to execution," she says.


One of Sasha's proudest achievements was her involvement in a project to compost farm litter at Avipro. "We aimed to contribute to environmental protection by transforming litter into compost. The planters showed a lot of interest in the potential benefit of such a project," she explains, highlighting the project's potential impact.


Christelle Mazimpaka's journey with Eclosia began before she even completed her studies at the African Leadership University in Mauritius, where she studied a BSc in Entrepreneurial Leadership. Originally from Rwanda, Christelle interned at Avipro and Chantefrais for six months in 2022-23, gaining valuable experience and becoming familiar with the group's culture. "Joining a group like Eclosia as a student was a great opportunity. I knew it was where I wanted to work after graduating," she recalls.


Starting her internship in 2022, Christelle's journey has been marked by continuous learning and growth. As soon as she completed her degree, Christelle joined Eclosia Corporate Services in September 2023 as Talent Management Trainee, working under the guidance of Belinda Rault. She has been involved in various projects which will soon see the day, aimed at enhancing continuous development of leadership competencies and valuing the different professions across the group. "The goal of Talent Management is to ensure that Eclosia remains relevant with the necessary skill sets," she says.

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Jul 2024
Geerish Hookoomsing: an inspiring journey in Human Resources

Geerish Hookoomsing's journey as the new Chief Human Resources Officer is a source of inspiration. It demonstrates that success stems from commitment, passion, and the ability to inspire and support others.


He began his career in the legal field in the 1980s at Gujadhur Chambers. "I was responsible for industrial and criminal cases, and I had the opportunity to work with lawyers who are now well-established in the profession," he says. This experience laid the foundation for his professional training.


After six formative years, he jumped headfirst into human resources, starting in the textile sector. He was one of the first to recruit Chinese workers for a textile factory in Bell Village. This step led him to manage factory personnel, recruit talent, and oversee productions for major brands.


Following a brief stint in the offshore sector with Rogers, he returned to textiles at Corotex Textile as the HR manager for a factory with 1,200 employees. "Each step allowed me to learn and grow, working closely with dedicated teams," he recalls.


His career then took a turn towards the hospitality industry with Naïade Resorts (now Lux) and Le Domaine de Bel Ombre Heritage Resorts, where he contributed to the reopening and opening of several establishments. He collaborated and rubbed shoulders with internationally recognized hoteliers.


Geerish attributes much of his success to the influence of remarkable mentors throughout his career. "These mentors taught me the importance of giving back," he says. His legacy, according to him, is not measured by titles or material things but by the impact he has had on the people he has trained and supported. "I am proud of helping to set up factories and hotels, but my greatest pride is seeing the people I have trained succeed."


He joined the group in 2015. He had an enriching period at Panagora, where he implemented job profiles for all positions, replacing job descriptions. He also established the Performance Management & Development System, the Employee Development Program, and the Assessment Center for recruitment. A first union agreement was signed, followed by two others. He then joined Les Moulins de la Concorde to restructure the HR department and other departments before developing employee skills. Here too, a union agreement that had been pending for years was signed.


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Jun 2023
Memwar d'Eclosia: Anand Goomanee d'Avipro

Pour écouter le podcast d'Anand Goomanee cliquez ici.


"Bann zenn, fode konpran seki zot pe fer, ou pa kav tous nanye brit, parski nou travay dan enn zafer delika, nou pa trouv li lanbriyon-la. Li enn bebe, li enn lanbriyon, li dan enn inkibater, nou konn bann paramet ki bizin mete. Be vre mem nou pa kone. Dan 21 zour ki nou pou kone. Bizin vizilan, ek bizin bien ar li toulezour. Lerla nou pou gagn rezilta. 

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Jun 2023
Memwar d'Eclosia: Rosyann Moutou de LFL

Pour écouter le podcast de Rosyann Moutou cliquez ici


"J’arrive, c’est une petite équipe, je crois qu’il n’y avait que 11 employés à Livestock, j’étais super bien accueillie, et tout de suite j’étais super attirée par ce challenge, un premier job, donc pendant 4 ans j’étais au laboratoire, c’était très enrichissant, une belle expérience pour moi. 

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May 2023
Le nouveau programme LEAD forme avec succès ses premiers managers

En mars, les 14 premiers managers et chefs d'équipe de dix entreprises d'Eclosia ont reçu leurs certificats après avoir suivi le programme LEAD (Leverage, Engage, Adapt, Develop) d'Eclosia au terme d’une année bien remplie ! Une deuxième cohorte de 16 collaborateurs est en cours de formation, qui se terminera en janvier 2024.

Le programme LEAD d'Eclosia, développé en collaboration avec le Charles Telfair Leadership Centre, est un programme de développement des managers comprenant 12 modules personnalisés pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques du Groupe. Son objectif principal est d'aider les participants, managers et chefs d'équipe, à approfondir leur connaissance de soi, à les accompagner dans le développement de leurs compétences collaboratives et de leadership.


Comment LEAD a changé les vies d’Isabelle, de Leena et d’Ali chez Eclosia

Isabelle François, Head of Shared Accounting Services:

Cette formation m'a permis de mieux valoriser le travail d'équipe en encourageant le dépassement de soi. Pour y parvenir, il est essentiel de développer de solides compétences en communication et une intelligence émotionnelle élevée.


Grâce à cette formation, j'ai appris les qualités essentielles d'un vrai leader. Parmi ces qualités, il est primordial de savoir instaurer la confiance, de fixer des objectifs clairs, de personnifier les valeurs de l'entreprise, de favoriser l'échange et la transmission du savoir, d'encourager le changement, de prendre soin de soi et de communiquer en toute transparence.


Je tiens à exprimer ma gratitude envers Eclosia pour la mise en place de cette formation, qui vise à faire éclore le potentiel de chacun.

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Feb 2023
Un parcours, un talent avec Domoina Rabehasy, Directrice des opérations chez Farmshop
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Oct 2022
Talents: inspirer les employés et les aider à se dépasser

Dans le jargon RH, lorsqu’on parle de Talents, à quoi se réfère-t-on?

Tout collaborateur, dans n'importe quel rôle, à n'importe quel niveau dans le groupe Eclosia peut être défini comme un Talent. Lorsqu’un employé intègre Eclosia, c’est que l’on croit qu’il a les aptitudes, les compétences et les qualités requises pour réussir avec nous. Il démontrera et développera alors ses compétences de leadership ou les « soft skills » tout au long de son cheminement. A travers notre Talent Framework, nous créons l’environnement adéquat et offrons des opportunités pertinentes pour maximiser le potentiel de chacun.

Quelle est la démarche derrière la web série Talents qui sera diffusée sur LinkedIn?

La diffusion de ces parcours inspirants est une des initiatives pour faire vivre nos Leadership Competencies. La question était « Comment les incarner à travers le groupe et les rendre accessibles à tous » ? La première étape consistait à les présenter officiellement. Nous avons ensuite retravaillé toute la documentation, en français et en anglais, dans un format attrayant, qui sera bientôt disponible. Et puis, avec Circus, nous avons produit six vidéos. Nous entendrons les témoignages des Talents sur leurs parcours professionnels, les challenges surmontés et les ingrédients qui leur ont permis de réussir leur carrière.

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Oct 2022
Un parcours, un talent... avec Sharon Gouges, Creative director, CIRCUS!
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Jul 2022
Geerish Hookoomsing et Jason Maulette: mentorat RH réussi

Après six ans à la tête des Ressources humaines chez Panagora, Geerish Hookoomsing a laissé le gouvernail du département RH entre les mains de Jason Maulette. Désormais Head of Organizational Excellence chez Les Moulins de la Concorde depuis le 1er mars, Geerish Hookomsing affiche la satisfaction du devoir accompli.

« J’ai toujours cru en l’être humain, en sa capacité et en son potentiel. J’ai transmis tout ce que j’ai appris, et je retourne tout ce que la vie, m’a donnée, c’est mon legs. Si j’ai fait une différence dans la vie de ceux et de celles que j’ai été amené à côtoyer, alors je suis heureux. » D’ailleurs, plusieurs jeunes qui ont débuté leur carrière avec lui, sont aujourd’hui des HRM dans plusieurs secteurs. L’un d’entre eux est le CEO d’une clinique des Plaines-Wilhems. Jason Maulette est un de ceux qui fait la fierté de Geerish.

Son nouveau poste chez LMLC, consiste à revoir le département RH et à accompagner la progression des collaborateurs au quotidien. Il a débuté sa carrière chez Madun Gujadhur QC Chambers où il s’occupe d’affaires industriels et criminels. Fin des années 80, il rejoint le département des ressources humaines de deux gros groupes textiles, avant de faire un saut vers une compagnie offshore chez Rogers et Valmet Ltd comme Administrative manager. Il occupe ensuite pendant plusieurs années le poste de DRH chez Naïade Resorts et Heritage Resorts. En 2016, il rejoint Panagora.

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Nov 2021
Boulanger, c'est un métier !

LMLC accompagne les boulangers depuis plus de 25 ans. Ludovic nous fait vivre sa passion !

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Nov 2021
Yannick d’Arifat, Production manager, Maurilait
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Nov 2021
Naufar Lallmamode, Store manager, KFC Flacq Super U
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Nov 2021
Nicolas Arlanda, Store Keeper, NML
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FTL (Freight & Transit Co.Ltd)
Location: Pointe aux Sables
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Warehouse & Lorry Attendant
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Sales Executive
FTL (Freight & Transit Co.Ltd)
Location: Pointe aux Sables
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Warehouse & Lorry Attendant
FTL (Freight & Transit Co.Ltd)
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Indoor Sales Coordinator
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Sea Freight Coordinator
FTL (Freight & Transit Co.Ltd)
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Associate Engineer
Eclosia Technology Services
Location: Telfair, Moka
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Contrôleur de Gestion
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Location: Moka
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Quality Assistant
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Trainee HRIS Analyst - 1 year
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Location: Moka
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Production Manager
Maurilait Production Ltée
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Health & Safety Officer
New Maurifoods
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Lorry Driver
FTL (Freight & Transit Co.Ltd)
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Accounts Receivable & Bank Reconciliation Team Lead
Eclosia Corporate Services
Location: MOKA
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Assistant Accountant
Eclosia Corporate Services
Location: MOKA
Closing Date:28.02.2025

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